Skip Navigation The Cathedral of St. Philip - Atlanta, GA

Donor Stories

Donor Stories

  • 09-08-2024

    Eleanor Ridley

    “The proposed chapel will have a sophisticated audio/visual abilities that will enable exciting new ways to communicate. The octagonal shape offers a new physical opportunity for worship and teaching. The clear glass oculus will let in natural light and the beauty of nature. The size is just right for occasions too large for the Mikell Chapel and too small for our Cathedral. The Good Faith Chapel is an inspired and important step forward to expand St. Philip’s outreach and relevance in our community. This is truly a transformative opportunity.”

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  • 09-01-2024

    Melody Palmore

    I am impressed and energized that the role of Cathedrals remains as important today as it has been for centuries. Our Cathedral is a place where a group of individuals, called by God, provide pastoral care and support the social, personal, and spiritual needs of the people who worship here. Our Cathedral is a “house of prayer for all people.”

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Pledged from
Campaign goal: 31,000,000
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