Skip Navigation The Cathedral of St. Philip - Atlanta, GA


The Cathedral of St. Philip in Atlanta, Georgia, serves the Gospel of Jesus Christ with grace, excellence, and hospitality. As a community of more than 7000 members and associates – adults and children, families and individuals – we worship, learn, and serve together.

 History of the Cathedral

Our five services each Sunday are the highlight of our communal week, but there is life at the Cathedral every day! Weekday prayer and Eucharist services, regular Bible studies and guild meetings, parochial entities like the Cathedral Farmers Market, and mission projects are all ways the community of the Cathedral of St. Philip lives our common life.

Cathedral Worship

The Cathedral is led by the dean of the Cathedral, the Very Rev. Sam Candler, and a staff of priests and lay employees. The Cathedral Chapter, comprised of members of the parish, is the governing body of the Cathedral. The Chapter determines policy issues, sets goals, and provides stewardship of the Cathedral's complex operations. The Cathedral of St. Philip is a member of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta.

Join the Cathedral of St. Philip as we live together in koinonia—God-given community. If you have any questions, contact one of our staff members or use this form to get in touch. 

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