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"All things come of thee, O Lord, and of thine own have we given thee."

With these familiar words we acknowledge that all we have in the way of materials, goods and talents are gifts from God. Stewardship requires that we contribute to God's work in and through the Cathedral, not only with our time, varied abilities and talents, but that we prayerfully make a commitment of our financial support. When we give sacrificially, we are giving back to God what is already his.

Our total stewardship giving is a reflection of our personal values and priorities. While the General Convention of the Episcopal Church and the Council of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta have acknowledged the biblical standard of the 10% tithe for Christian giving, it is up to us as individuals to decide how much and in what form we will support the work of this parish.

Annual Stewardship Drive to Support the Operating Budget

All members of the Cathedral family are given the opportunity and privilege of making an annual pledge. When you are asked to make a monetary pledge and to participate in the work of this Cathedral, please do so knowing that you are giving back a part of God's gifts to you.

Pledge online

Make an online contribution

Planned Giving and Endowment Fund

A gift to the Endowment Fund supports the Cathedral's ministries in perpetuity. Using its dividend and interest income, the Endowment Fund assists in meeting extraordinary capital needs and in underwriting special ministries and projects. Gifts can be made in life, by bequest or on a deferred basis. Many of these offer significant benefits to the donor. For more information, call the Office of Stewardship/Development at 404-365-1033.

Capital Campaign and Needs

Over 175 years ago, the Cathedral consisted of a handful of parishioners and a 28' x 42' building in downtown Atlanta. Today, with thirteen acres of beautiful land in the heart of Atlanta, worship, education and office space of over 120,000 square feet, and thousands of parishioners, the parish continues to thrive.

In 2024, the Cathedral began construction on the Good Faith Chapel, a new space for prayer on our campus. The Good Faith Chapel will be a mid-sized octagonal worship space, seating about 300 people in variable configurations. The Cathedral community is working to raise $31 million for this expansion, and is well on the way to that amount. Learn more about the good Faith Chapel here, or make a pledge or contribution

In 2003, the Cathedral "embarked on the bold journey" of the Let Your Light Shine Campaign. Our community endeavored to raise $15 million to build Christian education space, make the building more welcoming and accessible, and to centralize offices.

Parishioners continue to support capital projects on campus that improve the look, use and feel of our sacred space.  From preserving the Cathedral’s Stained Glass to renovating tired rooms, there is always a need.  Please contact David Rocchio at 404-365-1033 or for more information.

Memorial, Special Fund, or Flower Contributions

Gifts and memorials to the Cathedral of St. Philip are used to improve and maintain the buildings, plant trees and gardens on the grounds, and to purchase sacramental items needed to celebrate services.

Gifts of Altar Flowers can be given in memory of someone who has died or in thanksgiving for an occasion of celebration. Altar flower gifts are recognized in the bulletin on the weekend of their placement.

All of these gifts allow the Cathedral to serve the parish, the Diocese, and the city of Atlanta in a warm and welcoming environment. If you would like to take a more active part in the programs surrounding stewardship, please contact David Rocchio, Director of Stewardship, 404-365-1033, to learn more about opportunities for participation.

2024 Children's Stewardship Campaign

Children have their own stewardship campaign to make stewardship a family habit! During occasional Children's Chapels during the year, children will learn about the basic roles that money serves – spending on the here and now, saving for the future, and sharing with others in need. As part of our 2024 Stewardship Campaign, we are encouraging children to make their own pledges, sharing with the Cathedral community 

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