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Faithful Politics

Cathedral parishioners, neighbors, and staff have been participating in Braver Angels events to explore how our Baptismal Covenant informs our civic and political engagement. Braver Angels is America’s largest organization that brings conservatives and progressives together on equal terms to understand our differences, find common ground where it exists, and help the country we all love find a better way.  In the fall we will host a Faith-Sponsored Depolarizing Within Workshop, where participants will learn how to hold depolarizing conversations with people who share their beliefs. In the new year we will host an all-day Faith-Sponsored Red/Blue Workshop, where equal numbers of “reds” and “blues” will have structured dialogues within and across political affiliations. This is a rich area for exploring how we “seek and serve Christ in all persons, …strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being.” Contact Canon George Maxwell,, or Jeannie Mahood,, for more information.