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Greek Classes

Open to beginners, this class includes long-term members who translate using grammar aids, lexicons and commentaries, enjoying how the Greek text reveals nuance and depth in scripture.


First-time visitors can drop-in and need no previous knowledge of Greek. Newcomer classes begin with alphabet and pronunciation practice prior to translation. For more information, contact the Rev. Dr. Thee Smith, 404-365-1093.

Classes meet on Sundays from 1:15-2:45 p.m., in-person in room 239 and via Zoom.


Since 2008 we have offered these New Testament Greek classes in the context of a faith community that offers Bible study for learners and seekers at all levels of inquiry. We are visitor friendly and welcome drop-ins with little or no language skills or background.


 We began combining in-person classes with remote access via Zoom when we returned to the church building in 2022 following the abatement of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Additional Resource

Don’t yet have the 2-minute video waiting for you in your email inbox every morning?

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Our source iRob Plummer, New Testament professor at Southern Seminary, Louisville, KY. provides ongoing encouragement and accountability for anyone eager to read the Greek New Testament daily and progress in Greek skills.

Related Interest 

The Codex Sinaiticus: The Oldest Surviving Christian New Testament - The Beauty of Books - BBC

2 minute account of the Codex Sinaiticus, the key manuscript of the Christian Bible, obtained for the British Library by Constantine Tischendorf in the 1800s.

Codex Sinaiticus: A Journey in Biblical Discovery

28 minute fascinating documentary on the reliability of the Biblical text.


Listen with Greek texts in-hand and enjoy! To hear Greek recordings, follow these three steps on your phone:

  • Dial 1-641-715-3800
  • Input access code 52947#
  • Input the symbol # and an extension number to hear weekly Sunday scriptures readings, or other extensions for readings listed below.

Selections from the Prologue to the Gospel of John

  • # + EXT. 5 – John 1.1-5, 14 – In the beginning was the Word...
  • # + EXT. 9Greek Alphabet audio recording

Feast of St. Francis

  • # + EXT. 22 – Gospel – Matthew 11:25-30 – English (interlinear trans.) and Greek (read twice)
  • # + EXT. 23 – Epistle – Galatians 6:14-18 – English (interlinear trans.) and Greek (read twice)

Feast of St. Philip, Deacon and Evangelist

  • # + EXT. 24 – Gospel – Matthew 28:18-20 – English (interlinear trans.) and Greek (read twice)
  • # + EXT. 25 – Epistle – Acts 8.26-40 – English (interlinear trans.) and Greek (read twice)

For more information, contact the Rev. Dr. Thee Smith, 404-365-1093.