The Cathedral of St. Philip - Atlanta, GA

Choirs at the Cathedral


The Cathedral of St. Philip is well known for its broad tradition of choral music ministry. Some 40 adult volunteer singers, 12 staff singers, 25 choristers (children and youth), and three volunteer organists, along with our Organist and Artist-in-Residence, Organist and Associate Choirmaster, and Canon for Music provide music for approximately 225 Cathedral services and 75 weddings and funerals each year. 

For more details about joining a choir at the Cathedral or to arrange an audition, contact Timothy Gunter, Coordinator for Music, at 404-365-1050 or


The Cathedral of St Philip invites auditions by singers interested in being considered for volunteer positions in all sections of the Cathedral Choir or the Cathedral Choir & Schola for the 2022-2023 program year. All staff singer posts are currently filled, but we are always happy to hear auditions by persons interested in being considered for the staff singer sub list and/or who may be interested in being considered for staff positions should any come open in the future. N.B. Midweek rehearsals of the Cathedral Choir and Schola will move to Wednesday evenings next season. Contact the music office at (404) 365-1050 or to schedule an audition.

Cathedral Choir

The Cathedral Choir is an auditioned group of approximately 40 volunteers and 12 professional singers which sings for the 11:15 a.m. service each Sunday, for the 8:45 a.m. service once a month, and for various special liturgies throughout the liturgical year. The Cathedral Choir typically presents a major sacred choral work with orchestra each season, and has undertaken pilgrimages to England to serve as choir-in-residence at St. Paul’s Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, and the cathedrals in Canterbury, Coventry, Durham, Salisbury, and St. Patrick’s in Dublin, Ireland. Future pilgrimages to England are being planned. Midweek rehearsals will move to Wednesday evenings beginning with the 2022-2023 choir year. Auditions are required. To audition, contact the music office at or 404-365-1050.

Cathedral Schola

The Cathedral Schola is a highly skilled chamber choir of auditioned singers selected from the Cathedral Choir. The Schola sings Evensong, Choral Eucharists, and services of Lessons and Carols at 4 p.m. on most Sundays September through May, and collaborates regularly with the Atlanta Baroque Orchestra, who are entering their fourth season as artists-in-residence. Together with the Cathedral Choir, they have recorded three compact discs for Gothic Records which are available internationally via Gothic's distribution agreement with Naxos. Rehearsals are Thursdays following the Cathedral Choir rehearsal. Auditions are required. To audition, contact the music office at or 404-365-1050.

Cathedral Choristers


The Cathedral Chorister program is a broadly conceived educational opportunity for children that integrates musical training and Christian formation while nurturing development of the whole person. The Chorister program is open to boys and girls in third grade through high school. All choristers sing about twice a month, typically with members of the Cathedral Singers (staff singers). They also sing for special services on All Saints’ Sunday, Christmas Eve, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and Easter Day, and join with the Cathedral Schola to sing Choral Evensong once or twice a season.

Rehearsals take place on Monday and/or Thursday evenings, from the end of August to early May. Rehearsals offer small-group work for Novices and Junior choristers, older treble choristers, and choristers who have gone through voice change. A musicianship and skill-building session is offered every Tuesday, and a study hall precedes the Thursday rehearsal. For more information, contact

Junior Choristers & New Members 

For any new chorister and for choristers working toward their white surplice or light blue RSCM ribbon.  All choristers usually sing twice a month at 8:45 a.m., and for special services including St. Francis Sunday, All Saints' Sunday, the Christmas Eve Pageant, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and the Easter Vigil. They also join the Cathedral Schola for Evensong at times throughout the year. Rehearsals are Mondays 5–6:15 p.m. and/or Thursdays 5:30–6:50 for Junior Choristers, with Senior Choristers combining with them starting at 6 p.m. Junior Choristers may be permitted to stay until Senior Chorister rehearsal ends at 7:15, depending on aptitude and motivation.

Senior Choristers

This group is for choristers who have earned their light blue RSCM ribbon. All choristers sing twice a month at the 8:45 a.m. service, and for special services including St. Francis Sunday, All Saints' Sunday, the Christmas Eve Pageant, Maundy Thursday, and the Easter Vigil.  They also join the Cathedral Schola for Evensong at times throughout the year. Rehearses Mondays 5–6:15 p.m. and/or Thursday, 6:00-7:15 p.m.

Changed Voices

This group is for choristers who have experienced voice change and no longer can sing comfortably in the treble range. Changed Voice Choristers will rehearse separately from the trebles, combining for a portion of rehearsal to practice with the whole group. They will sing in services whenever the trebles do so. They rehearse Thursdays 6:00-6:45pm. Please contact if you would like to discuss your child’s participation in this group.

Tuesday Training Sessions

On Tuesdays from 4:30-5:30 p.m., Choristers have the opportunity to attend individualized training sessions in which they can focus specifically on musicianship skills and vocal training. These sessions will be structured around the child’s individual level and abilities, and it will help them to achieve the next RSCM ribbon in their progression. Cathedral Staff Singers will be present to enrich these sessions, particularly in the realm of vocal technique.

Study Hall

A study hall will be offered for all Choristers from 5:00-6:00pm on Thursdays. Junior and Changed Voice Choristers will go to rehearsal at 5:30 as usual. A light snack will be offered, and RSCM card work can be done during this hour.

Allegro – music for young children

The music and children’s ministries departments jointly sponsor Allegro: Music for Young Children and the Allegro Choir for kindergarten, first, and second grades for our pre-chorister-age youngsters. Using play, movement, singing, and musical instruments, children develop musical skills and an appreciation for music. The program is divided into groups by age, from birth through second grade. Contact Sarah Cauthen, Director of Allegro, at for more information.


Click here for the 2024-2025 Choir Rehearsal and Service Schedule.