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Youth Confirmation

February 25, 2024 confirmation class with the Rev. Canon Julia Mitchener

Youth Confirmation classes convene annually and meet on Sundays from January through May. They are created for current 8th graders but can be attended by any youth wishing to explore their desire to be confirmed in the Episcopal church. Confirmation is a modern adaptation of an ancient church tradition by which those deemed adults were prepared for entry into Christian faith and life. The selected curriculum is designed as an introduction to the history, tradition, belief, and practices of the Episcopal Christian church.

Classes are based in scripture and lead students through all aspects of the church – allowing participants to explore their own faith journey and beliefs so that they can make mature, informed decision about confirmation. The goal of the confirmation process is to allow our young people to learn more about the Episcopal tradition, explore their own personal Christian and spiritual beliefs, and decide if they are prepared to seek a deeper and more purposeful journey with God within the Episcopal church community.

Confirmation Expectations:

  • Attending worship regularly at one of the Cathedral’s Sunday services.
  • Attending Sunday confirmation classes with no more than two absences during the semester.
  • Reading and reflecting upon scripture and The Book of Common Prayer.
  • Developing personal prayer habits.
  • Expressing their personal desire to seek confirmation at the conclusion of the confirmation program.
  • Continuing the following years with regular church service attendance as well as participating in youth ministry programs and community service opportunities.


Questions? Email Keith Dumke, Director of Youth Ministries, at