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Children's Stewardship Campaign

Children have their own stewardship campaign to make stewardship a family habit! During occasional Children's Chapels during the year, children will learn about the basic roles that money serves – spending on the here and now, saving for the future, and sharing with others in need. As part of our 2024 Stewardship Campaign, we are encouraging children to make their own pledges, sharing with the Cathedral community.

Pledging allows us – and you – to encourage a spirit of generosity and opens the conversation of sharing what God has given us. Print the pledge card below, then bring your pledge card to church on Sundays to place in the offering plates.  Children who submit a pledge form will receive their very own pledge envelopes in the mail to share their contributions during the Offertory at Children’s Chapel or during the main service at “Big Church.” 

If you and your child(ren) are interested in joining the Children's Stewardship Campaign, please contact Liz Aull,, or David Rocchio,, for more information. 



A Letter from the Stewardship Co-Chairs Kate and Ron Henry

As we enter the Lenten season this year, we are reviving a program to allow the children of the Cathedral to be more personally connected to the power of God’s abundant giving.  As a part of Children’s Ministries, we will be discussing God’s generosity and how God wants us to give to one another and those in need. 


As part of the 2023 Stewardship Campaign theme campaign that “We are all Together”, these discussions will also include the role that money plays in our lives with a focus on promoting the three basic aspects for which we as families use our money to serve God and our community: 


1.     Spend on our current needs and wants  

2.     Save to ensure greater future prosperity  

3.     Share to promote the greater good of God and our community 


As part of this last item, we will share with the children how pledging our time and resources allows the Church to operate effectively and help those in need in our community and throughout the world.  We will also discuss the fact that the Offertory at “Big Church” and in Children’s Chapel is one of the ways we collect pledges and witness the outpouring of God’s love in the form of generosity. 


Children will be provided a pledge card to promote their importance in the stewardship of God’s church where they can share their reasons for wanting to give generously.  For those children that return pledge cards (also signed by their parents), the Cathedral will mail weekly “giving envelopes” with their names printed on them with which they can proudly share their offerings as a part of the Offertory.  These children will also receive mailed giving statements to track their contributions, and hopefully establish positive generous habits that will last a lifetime. 


We understand that all families and all walks of life handle financial decisions and discussions differently, particularly with their children.  Please know that this is a completely optional program, and that pledge amounts and participation will remain confidential.  We always encourage children and families to give in a manner in which they feel comfortable and believe that this act of selfless generosity is an integral part of understanding God’s love for each of us. 


If you have any questions about this program or the role of Stewardship at the Cathedral, please reach out to David Rocchio at, (O) 404-365-1033,  or (M) 404-663-2838.  And learn more at

Resources for Families

Questions you might raise with your family

  • What are some things you value about the Cathedral of St. Philip, for example, things that bring you joy?
  • How has the Cathedral helped you and our family?
  • How does the Cathedral pay for all of the services, Sunday School, ministries, staff and programs?
  • Churches need money in order to run. What does the Cathedral do that costs money?
  • How has our family been part of the Cathedral even when we are away from church (e.g. during social distancing)?
  • When we talk about One Body at the Cathedral, what does it mean to us?
  • How should our family figure out how much we should pledge to the Cathedral, i.e. promise to give for the next calendar year?
  • What are some of the ways (including non monetary examples) our family can give to the Cathedral?
  • What are the reasons for giving to others? How does giving make us feel?
  • Can you name some of the people who benefit from the gifts we and others give to the Cathedral of St. Philip?
  • Your mom/ dad and I support the Cathedral, and here’s why.

Discussion ideas

  • Research the meanings of tithe, stewardship, and pledging
  • Read and discuss some Bible passages about stewardship
  • Talk about and/or research people you know who give or who are famous for their giving
  • Discuss the idea of One Body. See: Romans 12: 4-8


  • Make a smart saver bank with separate sections for saving, spending, and giving. Discuss the different ways each family member could contribute to each. Decide on some family principles about how you allocate money across the three areas. Discuss what ideas this project gave you.
  • Complete your family’s personal history with the Cathedral. Interview each other or fill it out with words and/or pictures - individually or collectively - and discuss.
  • Do a stewardship project as a family.