The Cathedral of St. Philip - Atlanta, GA

Events and Room Requests

In history, one of the great missions of Christian cathedrals has been the provision of sacred space for the church and for the world. In centuries past, Christian cathedrals were not only centers of daily prayer and worship, but also gathering places for the general population, places for meeting, for the arts, for study, for fellowship, and for mission.

Today, we appreciate the opportunity to accommodate community and civic organizations wishing to use space at the Cathedral of St. Philip. Outside organizations must be compatible with the mission of the Episcopal Church found on page 855 in The Book of Common Prayer: “The mission of the Church is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.” While as much advance notice as possible is appreciated, a minimum of one week notice is required for reserving space. Please verify reservation and availability before publishing the location of your event.

If you are interested in reserving a room for a meeting or other gathering, please contact Dorsey DeLong,, for details about the Cathedral's facility.


Room Request Forms

