The Cathedral of St. Philip - Atlanta, GA

What is Anglican Theology?

Well, the word “theology” can mean different things to people. Some people might not even like the word, claiming that anything “theological” is not worthwhile, not practical, or too “heady.” I disagree; the way we speak about God, and the way we organize our experiences of God, is important. Maybe “theology” means something like “Words about God,” or—better—“How One Talks about God.” How, then, do Episcopalians talk about God?

And what are Episcopalians, anyway? As part of a wider community of churches known as The Anglican Communion of Churches, The Episcopal Church finds some of its history in the Church of England. But surely we are more than just a heritage of England, right? Are we just a “middle path” between Roman Catholics and Protestants? Or maybe between liberals and conservatives?

This Sunday, March 26, at 10:10 a.m., I hope to answer those questions and to discuss particular features of Episcopal theology. I will discuss how we are a people of prayer and incarnation, and a people who honor scripture and reason. We talk about God in ways that honor the fullness of humanity and God’s creation.

I will talk about some big words: Incarnation. Catholic. Orthodox. Protestant. Rational. I will look forward to talking with you!

The Very Reverend Samuel G. Candler
Dean of the Cathedral of St. Philip