The Cathedral of St. Philip - Atlanta, GA

Parish Notices: April 29, 2020

From the Very Rev. Sam Candler
Via Livestream


Peace be to all of you, and thank you, for joining us for another edition of our Wednesday Parish Notices! During this season of social distance, the Cathedral of St. Philip delivers Parish Notices every Wednesday, at 6:15 p.m.

In many areas across the United States, I understand that leaders are finding reasons to safely re-open businesses and gatherings, while practicing social distance and with important safety measures. I am glad for safe and gradual re-engagements.

However, our Cathedral building remains closed. All of us look forward, one day, to returning to the beautiful Cathedral to worship, to sing and to pray, and to preach and to see and touch each other! We want to touch the Body of Christ! But we want to do so safely, respectfully, honorably, and gracefully.

Thus, we will continue to conduct our worship services online, with the prayers and music recorded earlier, by our ministers from our own homes, where you are now! We are making all our decisions about Sunday worship and the opening of the building, on a rolling, two-week basis. At this point, we believe we will continue this present form of online prayer for, at least, another three Sundays: May 3, May 10, and May 17.

These will be wonderful Sundays! May 10, Mother’s Day, will be our UTO Sunday, United Thank Offering Sunday. And Sunday, May 17, will be Youth Sunday at the Cathedral. Plans are being made now for fantastic Youth Sunday on May 17.

Yes, our Cathedral building is closed; but our community is spiritually open. Contact us! Join in our online offerings, which you can find on the Cathedral website. And the Cathedral Farmers Market is open, too, on Saturdays! You can pre-order from our Farmers Market vendors from their websites, or from the Farmers Market website.

Though we are separated, we are together in Christ. Though we are many, we are one Body in Christ!

Here endeth the Parish Notices for Wednesday, April 29, 2020!

Let us bless the Lord.

Thanks be to God!