The Cathedral of St. Philip - Atlanta, GA

Parish Notices: April 15, 2020

From the Very Rev. Sam Candler
Via Livestream


Alleluia! Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Today is Wednesday in the First Week of Easter, April 15, 2020, and I deliver Parish Notices again today, updates and information about the Cathedral Parish of St. Philip in Atlanta.

Grace to you, and peace, in Jesus Christ our Lord!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank so much for observing Holy Week with us last week, and celebrating the Feast of Easter this past Sunday. Our online services were full of wonder, and certainly full of familiar faces and prayers. Thanks for hanging with us, in this continuing season of Social Distance for the Common Good.

I salute two special people today, our two saints of technology and communications, who assembled our glorious online worship services this past week. Let’s hear it for Dan Murphy, our Director of Communications, and Brant McCaskill, our Sound Technician and all-round audio-video wizard. Thank you, Dan and Brant! (If you ever want to see our recorded services again, and even those of previous years, you can find all those videos and recordings at our Cathedral web site, on the Worship Live Streaming page.)

And, again, thanks to each of you! You are staying in contact with each other. You are praying with each other. You are meeting online with each other. You are serving each other. You are loving each other.

In short, you are the Body of Christ with each other! We are celebrating the Feast of Easter and Resurrection by being the Body of Christ together, even when we are physically separated.

Many of you continue to reach out with offers to help. Some of you have contributed extra money or increased your pledges in this time! Thank you! You have been caring and thoughtful and generous and faithful people of God.

This week, our Cathedral building continues to be closed. But our Saturday Cathedral Farmers Market is open this Saturday. Support our farmers and vendors! Our daily online services continue steadily and marvelously this week. And on Sunday, we will keep the feast, sharing spiritual communion in our online Holy Eucharist. Canon George Maxwell will celebrate, and I will preach. See you online!

Grace and peace to you,