From the Very Rev. Sam Candler
Via Zoom
Grace to you, and peace, some more and some more, in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Today is Wednesday, April 1, in the year 2020, and I deliver Parish Notices again today, updates and information about the Cathedral Parish of St. Philip in Atlanta.
Like all of you, individually, in this season of Social Distance, we at the Cathedral are managing faithfully, sometimes awkwardly and sometimes heroically, but always for the Common Good.
Our Sunday services are being prayed online, using both a livestream feed from our Cathedral website, and on Facebook Live. The service is available at 8:45 and 11:15 am this Sunday, Palm Sunday!
In addition, of course, we have so, so many classes and meditations available by ZOOM technology and by conference call. Please check the Cathedral website for opportunities appropriate to your needs and your gifts!
Our Cathedral campus, regrettably, remains closed, for the Common Good. Please be safe. We now anticipate that our Cathedral campus will be closed through the month of April, through April 30, 2020.
In addition, we anticipate that our Sunday services will continue to be prayed online through May 24, 2020.
But two special announcements merit your attention today. First, the Cathedral Farmers Market expects to re-open this Saturday, April 4, with strict safety and health measures in place. Please pay attention to the safety measures and buy fresh food there, from our local farmers and vendors. The City of Atlanta stay-at-home ordinance –and now, the Governor of Georgia’s ordinance, issued just a few minutes ago—allows us to keep farmers markets open, and it allows people to shop at them.
Second, please participate in our online Palm Sunday service this week. We are asking you to take a simple photograph or very short video, of yourself, or your family, holding branches of some plant native to your location! If you can get palms, great, but ANY native plant is okay! Pine branches, flowers, and even dogwood blossoms are fine. Take a photograph or short video of yourself holding them up, maybe even saying “Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!” Or you can sing it: “Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!”
And, prepare for Easter by sending us a photograph of yourself with candle! We do intend to light a fire with this year’s Easter service! Yes, our Palm Sunday procession, and Holy Week services, and our Easter services, will be different this year. We will participate in them from our homes! But the services will be glorious! Please join us!
Let us bless the Lord!
Send your photos and videos here »