The Cathedral of St. Philip - Atlanta, GA

I Felt So Lifted Up!

An article from the Cathedral Times
by the Very Reverend Samuel G. Candler,
Dean of the Cathedral of St. Philip

"I felt so lifted up!" Those were the words of the dear Linda Robitscher, on the last day of the Cathedral Antiques Show. On behalf of the Cathedral, I give our thanks to her and to so many others who worked diligently on a spectacular show. In particular, Pam Ford (next year's chair) and Ginger Mulherin (President of the ECW) devoted countless hours and prayers to our efforts. Thank you all so much!

When I talked with Linda, just to thank her and to give her permission to take some time off, her words were "I felt so lifted up by the women-and men!-of this parish." She was so appreciative of the help and time and energy of so many in this place that she was lifted up. That feeling is indicative of healthy parish ministry. When God's spirit is with us, and when God's people work and minister together, then our spirits are actually lifted up and energized, not drained at all.

I pray for this Antiques Show experience to be duplicated throughout our Cathedral ministries. The Cathedral Parish of St. Philip is packed with all sorts of spirit-filled ideas and spirit-filled people. It is when we work together, in prayer and action, that these ideas produce enormous fruit. 

We do not know, yet, what our total net income will be from the Antiques Show. As you know, that amount is what we will contribute to Genesis Shelter, the local housing shelter for homeless newborns and their families. Genesis Shelter is this year's outreach beneficiary of the Cathedral Antiques Show. We never know, until all the bills are paid, what that amount will be.

However, we do know another great beneficiary of the Cathedral Antiques Show. The other beneficiary is our parish and community life together. My thanks to each of you who worked so hard this year. You raised each other up. You supported each other. You worked through problems and issues together. You represented two of the great features of the Cathedral: beauty and service. God comes to us through that beauty and through that service.

Personally, I, too, am lifted up by the beauty and service of the people of this parish. Thank you for your devotion and faith in this, God's church. Ultimately, we are not just supporting each other. We are lifting up God himself! God's glory and honor are lifted up when we serve together. Thank you!

Sam Candler signature



The Very Rev. Sam Candler