The Rev. Canon George Maxwell - Other Writings
A Quick Apology
The Face of Freedom
Wait. Stop! What?
This is the new beginning that we are celebrating in our festival of Pentecost. Fifty days after Easter, we gather to celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit with its power to unite us, to make us one.
What Will You Choose?
Christian Smith maintains that we are all moral, believing animals. We all continuously place our faith in premises, assumptions, and suppositions that we cannot objectively justify without recourse to other believed-in premises, assumptions, and suppositions.
Walking Through the Week
Walk through the week with Christ by attending the Holy Week liturgies at the Cathedral. Try carrying this awareness of guilt, practicing these motions of self-giving, and feeling that anguish of someone who died for us. ... It gives me a new sense each year of how it is that God is making all things new. It makes me jump at the chance to say "Alleluia!"
A Tribute to the Georgia Justice Project
Where Have All the Alleluias Gone?
We don't say the Alleluias during Lent, and I missed them.
Well, It's Not That Hard
A Church on the Move
A Response to the Bishop's Address to the 105th Annual Council of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta