This Sunday, November 3, is All Saints’ Sunday, when we remember the deceased saints among us, and when we also baptize new saints among us. It’s a great feast of the Church!
But, at the Cathedral, we also do something else. We process our pledges of financial support for 2020! At our morning services, our usual Offertory Procession will be much longer. As usual, we will process with our gifts of wine and bread, and with our financial gifts. But, this Sunday, everyone in the congregation may also join the procession.
We will process with our completed pledge cards for 2020 – how we commit to supporting God’s work through the Cathedral of St. Philip in 2020. Thank you for pledging enthusiastically and generously. For The Greater Good!
If you do not have a completed card, you may still process. We will make available “Intention Cards,” by which you can signal your intention to pledge for 2020. We do not want to omit anyone! This procession is also a procession of saints, saints committed to God’s work here at the Cathedral in 2020. Please join us!
The Very Reverend Samuel G. Candler
Dean of the Cathedral of St. Philip