The Cathedral of St. Philip - Atlanta, GA

The Front Page Of The Cathedral Times

An article from the Cathedral Times
by the Very Reverend Samuel G. Candler,
Dean of the Cathedral of St. Philip

Last week, it was with deep sadness, but also with deep appreciation, that I accepted the resignation of Elizabeth Rechter from the Cathedral of St. Philip staff. Elizabeth has served loyally, faithfully, and astutely, through two deans and several cycles of ministry here; and she has proved to be a tremendous ally and source of spiritual strength.

With her deep experience and talent, Elizabeth senses a call to two new and exciting things in her life. As you have read, she and her family will move this summer to the west coast while she interviews in several Episcopal churches for the position of rector.

What a loss for us! I will miss Elizabeth, and I will miss Jay and Jonathan and Caroline, too. Elizabeth has beautifully led the Cathedral in areas of mission, contemplative spirituality, women's study groups, and spiritual direction, while she has also served faithfully in preaching, teaching, and sensitive pastoral care. Her contributions in all those areas will remain forever in the community of the Cathedral of St. Philip.

Elizabeth's last day of ministry with us will be June 5, 2005. I hope we can send her forth on that day with tremendous thanks, blessings, and congratulations. She deserves it, and we can be proud to send her forth from this community.

Blessings, and thanks, always, to Elizabeth,

Sam Candler signature



The Very Rev. Sam Candler