The Cathedral of St. Philip - Atlanta, GA

Thank You, Bill Harkins!

An article from the Cathedral Times
by the Very Rev. Sam Candler

Months ago, The Reverend Doctor Bill Harkins wrote me a beautiful and eloquent letter, with the news that he was planning to resign his role as Priest Associate here at the Cathedral of St. Philip. The news was sad, but understandable. With family outside of Atlanta, and with other fine commitments, Bill wrote that he wanted to have more time to see that family, and to focus on counseling and teaching. Indeed, while resigning from his role as Priest Associate at the Cathedral, Bill plans to continue both a teaching ministry, and a strong counseling ministry with the Cathedral Counseling Center and in his own practice. Many of you know already that Bill’s last official Sunday with us is this Sunday, April 25, 2021; and he will preach in our online and in-person services.

I write, then, to thank Bill Harkins for his fine and devoted service as Priest Associate here. Bill, we will miss you! We will miss your sensitive demeanor, and your firm grasp of counseling principles and theological truths. And, after 18 solid years here, we will remember well your excellent teaching and preaching! From various Cathedral Book Store events, to carefully crafted sermons featuring Wendell Berry and kayak trips down beautiful rivers! In all these presentations, you have given us deeper sense of God’s truth and beauty.

Bill Harkins has done faithful, steady, and thoughtful work here at the Cathedral of St. Philip. When he was ordained here, years ago, he courageously agreed to be Priest Associate here while also continuing a teaching ministry at Columbia Seminary and continuing a counseling practice. In fact, he has done all three of those things, exceedingly well. In fact, he has taken on more ministry, becoming part of the Psychological Health faculty at CREDO (an Episcopal Church wellness program that takes Bill all over the country).

Thank you, Bill, for serving the Cathedral of St. Philip so faithfully all these years. We will miss your official role here, but we look forward to still seeing you around! Maybe in counseling situations, maybe in teaching situations, and maybe even out for a run or a paddle in the midst of God’s beautiful creation. Thank you for being part of God’s beautiful creation with us.

Love to you, from a thankful Cathedral community,

The Very Reverend Sam Candler
Dean of the Cathedral of St. Philip