The Cathedral of St. Philip - Atlanta, GA

St. Philip's Day !! Does History Make A Difference? Does Spirit Make A Difference?

An article from the Cathedral Times
by the Very Reverend Samuel G. Candler,
Dean of the Cathedral of St. Philip

Join Sam Candler this Sunday, October 9, at 10:10 in the Great Hall, for a special presentation. October 9 is the observed feast day of St. Philip the Deacon, in whose name we gather as community, and in whose name we continue our mission to the world.

On Sunday, Dean Candler will review the history of the Cathedral of St. Philip, focusing especially on the last fifty years, since 1962 when our community began worshipping in the new Cathedral itself. We will also consider the biblical role of St. Philip the deacon, and the Cathedral's role in the wider Episcopal Church. Does history make a difference?

Finally, Dean Candler will talk about our future together. Where is the Holy Spirit guiding us now, and in future years? What is our commitment to God when we have so many other competing commitments? What is our commitment to the Cathedral when there are so many other ways to worship? Who are we as a church? Does the Holy Spirit make a difference?

Join us! We began our October month of stewardship with a grand St. Francis Day this past Sunday, October 2. What great joy to celebrate God's creation with our animals and pets. What tremendous energy! This coming Sunday, October 9, is the day on which we celebrate the Feast of St. Philip the Deacon. Whatever service you attend, and whatever class you attend, this Sunday is a day to be Church together, a day to worship and pray together, a day to learn and fellowship together. 

Sam Candler signature



The Very Rev. Sam Candler