The Cathedral of St. Philip - Atlanta, GA

Parish Notices of 16 March 2020

From the Very Rev. Sam Candler
Dean of the Cathedral of St. Philip


Grace to you, and peace, in Jesus Christ our Lord!

In this season of the COVID-19 pandemic and of social distancing, the Cathedral of St. Philip remains attentive to the pastoral and physical needs of our parishioners, and of the world. Towards that end, we intend to publish occasional “Parish Notices” on our webpage. This, our first Parish Notice, I regret, is both important and sobering.

For some time, the clergy have realized that, sooner or later, members of our large and extended community would be diagnosed positive with COVID-19. Yesterday, Sunday, March 15, we received word that an individual who attended the 8:45 service on Sunday, March 8, has been diagnosed positive with COVID-19. That individual was admitted to a hospital yesterday, Sunday, March 15. That person was not a member of the clergy, or choir, or lay ministry team, or staff, or chancel party on Sunday, March 8; the person was simply part of the congregation.

We have consulted with medical authorities and the Fulton County Board of Health for guidance in this situation; and the counsel we have received is essentially what we have already been doing: close the building and advise people to self-monitor for virus symptoms. Please continue to keep a safe distance from others, please wash your hands, and please self-monitor for symptoms.

We report this unfortunate news sadly, but also inevitably. I feel that others in our community, and in our city, will test positive at some point. We keep them in our prayers, and I hope you will, too. If you know of others we need to keep in prayer, please give their names—confidentially, if need be—to the Cathedral clergy. We pray that those with the virus can be treated quickly and effectively and can return to health as soon as possible. Indeed, we expect that will be the outcome for most of those who test positive with COVID-19.

Again, grace and peace to you,

The Very Rev. Sam Candler
Dean of the Cathedral of St. Philip