The Cathedral of St. Philip - Atlanta, GA

There's Power in Here!

An article from the Cathedral Times by
the Very Reverend Samuel G. Candler,
Dean of the Cathedral of St. Philip

There's Power in Here!

Well, I sure felt it on Sunday! I felt the power of hundreds of souls gathered here at the Cathedral for Homecoming Sunday. We were packed!

For many people, the parking lot was the first indication of something different this past Sunday. One of the fortunate things about my usual Sunday arrival time, at about 6:30 in the morning, is that I can usually find a parking place. However, later on Homecoming Sunday morning, it was apparently not so easy. Hey! At least the new pavement and additions in the parking lot helped!

Thanks to all the ministries and programs who displayed your offerings during our Ministry Fair"”and thanks to all those who helped set it up. There were as many parishioners staffing the tables as there were walking from display to display. Many of those ministries have new leadership this year: Congratulations and welcome!

And there were baptisms on Sunday! Yes, every baptism is always a wonder here; but the excitement of those families on Homecoming Sunday was especially contagious.

Finally, there was the occasion of homecoming itself. I know that most of us have been here at least at some point in the summer. Yet, there always seemed to be someone else who was not here that particular Sunday. On this past Sunday, a true homecoming, most of us (still not all of us) finally all made it here together. It was a particular joy for me to see old friends, and to notice how much taller all the children and young people are! (And no one complained that my summer hair was too long; in fact, you said you liked it!)

I was excited this past Sunday, for sure. But I am even more excited about the Fall. The Cathedral enters not just a new Fall, but also a new chapter in our lives together. A new stability is here, even when plans are also set for new classes, new ministries, new speakers, and"”of course!"”a new bishop. We will have a new opportunity to serve Atlanta and the world this year, and I am eager to do so.

"There's power in here," was the subject of the sermon on Homecoming Sunday (see, and I believe in every ounce of that power. God has touched each of us who were here on Sunday, and God has touched so many more of us who happened not to be here. Together, we can make a tremendous difference in the world around, a difference for good. I mentioned that the children being baptized yesterday will have the power to witness to joy and wonder, and also to truth, love, and beauty. But the same thing goes for each of us. The power of God is present in each of us, and that was a marvelous thing to witness this past Sunday.

On Homecoming Sunday, there was power in here. And I am looking forward to that power throughout the year. Thanks be to God!

Sam Candler signature


The Very Reverend Sam Candler