The Cathedral of St. Philip - Atlanta, GA

The Word Became Flesh And Dwelt Among Us! But We Need You More Than Ever!

An article from the Cathedral Times
by the Very Reverend Samuel G. Candler,
Dean of the Cathedral of St. Philip

The Word has truly become flesh here at the Cathedral of St. Philip. These past days of Christmas celebration have been among the most glorious of our recent years. I want to thank so many of you-acolytes, choristers, musicians, altar guild, ushers, vergers, readers, priests, intercessors, flower guild, pageant workers, nursery workers, Eucharistic ministers-who helped make the Word become flesh here at the Cathedral. Still more of you-outreach workers, cookie bakers, gift wrappers, builders, financial counselors, and servants-made the Word become flesh out in the streets of Atlanta. This has been a beautiful and sincere Christmas.

But the Cathedral of St. Philip also needs your financial support more than ever. Many of our loyal supporters simply are not able to give financially as they have in the past. It is not their fault, and they are certainly contributing as they can. Most have promised that they can resume their previous levels of support when financial times are better. Can you help fill the gaps? I know that, ultimately, the Cathedral will proclaim the gospel and serve the world in Jesus' name, no matter what our levels of financial support. We can thrive even in tight times.

But I also know that God has blessed others with abundance (see 2 Corinthians 8). At the end of this anxious year, can you share some of your abundance with the Cathedral of St. Philip? The world needs the ministry of the Cathedral, more than ever. And the Cathedral of St. Philip needs you!

May the glory of God Incarnate, Jesus Christ our Lord, be with you during this Christmas and this new year!


Sam Candler signature



The Very Rev. Sam Candler