The Cathedral of St. Philip - Atlanta, GA

The Annual Parish Meeting of the Cathedral of St. Philip is this Sunday at 10 a.m.!

An article from the Cathedral Times
by the Very Reverend Samuel G. Candler,
Dean of the Cathedral of St. Philip

Whatever service you usually attend, and whoever you are, please join us this Sunday, December 11, at 10 a.m., in Child Hall, for the Annual Parish Meeting of the Cathedral of St. Philip!!

At this meeting, all members, all associate members, friends, and visitors, gather together for common celebration and rejoicing. As in recent years, we will meet in Child Hall this year, during the regular Education Hour.

As usual, we will hear reports from myself, and several parish leaders, at this meeting. In particular, our steadfast and faithful treasurer, Geoff DeLong, will review our budget and financial position. We will miss him next year, since his three year Chapter term is now finished! In the last three years, his treasurer reports have been assisted by the fact that this parish is so very generous. This is truly a blessed church!

We will also vote on the slate of Chapter nominees. Our Nominating Committee has worked faithfully and efficiently to present a slate of six nominees. In addition, they have offered a nominee to the Chapter itself, who is charged with filling a vacant slot. First year member Julie Rief leaves soon with her two children to join her husband, Rocky, in Australia. At our last meeting, the Chapter voted to have Chandler Rudd fill that remaining two year term. The Cathedral is blessed with many excellent parishioners who are willing to serve this parish! As usual, that meant that the Nominating Committee, who could make only six choices, had to leave some very fine persons off the final list.

We will distribute the Annual Report, with its complete review of the 2011 year. Join us on Sunday morning to hear more!

We will follow our morning schedule of worship services in the Cathedral and Mikell Chapel. However, no adult classes will meet during the annual parish meeting! Classes for children and youth are scheduled as usual.

A special treat this year will be welcoming the newest member of our clergy staff, The Reverend Wallace Marsh, whose first Sunday was last week. He will preach his first sermons here, at both the 8:45 and 11:15 a.m. services on this Sunday. Join us!

Blessings and grace to all who participate in the mission and ministry of this beautiful and sacred place. This year, more than ever, the world needs the Cathedral of St. Philip! And we are responding!

Sam Candler signature


The Very Reverend Sam Candler