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Midday Meditation: September 30, 2020

Holy Convergences, Holy Highlights: Sts. Paula and Eustochium - Women Monastics Scholars with St. Jerome

Compiled by the Revd. Theophus ‘Thee’ Smith


St. Paula famously made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land with her daughter, St. Eustochium, accompanied by St. Jerome. The three of them worked together translating the Bible into Latin. After seeing all the sights, she settled in Bethlehem and founded a monastery for men and one for women. (Monastery of the Hieronomytes, Lisbon)


André Reinoso, c. 1650: St. Paula Teaching Her Nuns.

Collect of the Day, September 28: Paula and Eustochium of Rome, Monastics and Scholars, 404 and c. 419

Compel us, O God, to attend diligently to your Word, as your faithful servants Paula and Eustochium, that, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we may find it profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness; and that thereby we may be made wise unto salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Amen


September 30: Jerome; Priest, and Monk of Bethlehem, 420

September 30, 2010 Nancy A. Frausto 8 Comments | Holy Women, Holy Men blog 

About this commemoration [excerpted for highlighting]

Jerome was the foremost biblical scholar of the ancient Church. His Latin translation of the Bible from the original Hebrew and Greek texts known as the Vulgate version, along with his commentaries and homilies on the biblical books, have made him a major intellectual force in the Western Church . . .

Jerome’s irascible disposition, pride of learning, and extravagant promotion of asceticism involved him in many bitter controversies over both theological and exegetical questions. Yet he was candid at times in admitting his failings, and was never ambitious for churchly honors. A militant champion of orthodoxy, an indefatigable worker, and a stylist of rare gifts, Jerome was seldom pleasant, but at least he was never dull.

Text From Holy, Women, Holy Men: Celebrating the Saints © 2010 by The Church Pension Fund. Used by permission. 


Francisco de Zurbarán, 1640: St. Jerome with St. Paula and St. Eustochium. Paula helped Jerome with his Latin translation of the Bible, and her daughter Eustochium made copies for distribution.