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Wedding Form

To be married at the Cathedral, at least one of the persons to be married must have been on the membership rolls for at least a year. The officiating clergy should first be contacted for consent. A deposit of one-half of the total fee is due at the time of booking, with the remainder due 30 days before the ceremony.

Marriages are normally celebrated on Saturdays, at a time agreed upon by the couple, officiant and pastoral care coordinator. Weddings are not scheduled during Lent. Dates may be reserved no less than 90 days prior and no more than a year in advance.

For more details regarding weddings at the Cathedral, download the Wedding Booklet or contact Hillary Jones, 404-365-1038

Please fill this form out only after speaking with Hillary Jones.

Related forms: 

(* Denotes Required Fields)

Ceremony Information
Ceremony date: *
Ceremony time: *
Rehearsal date: *
Rehearsal time: *
Dean's permission? (If outside officiant):
Number of guests: *
Holy Eucharist?: *
If yes, estimated number of guests taking Eucharist:
Estimated number in procession (presenters/parents, attendants, flower girls, ring bearers, etc.):
Location: *
Name of primary contact for this wedding: *
Phone number of primary contact for this wedding: *
Email address of primary contact for this wedding:
Your Information
Your name (first/middle/last): *
Your preferred name for ceremony:
Your address: *
Your preferred phone number (please indicate home, office, cell): *
Your alternate phone numbers (please indicate home, office, cell):
Your email address:
Your age on wedding day: *
Your date of birth: *
Are you widowed?: *
Are you divorced?: *
If divorced, date of final divorce decree:
Are you a Cathedral member?: *
If not a Cathedral member, where are you a member?:
Your mother's name (first/middle/last): *
Your mother's hometown (childhood or current): *
Your father's name (first/middle/last): *
Your father's hometown (childhood or current): *
Your full name following the wedding: *
Couple's address following the wedding:: *
Your Fiancé(e)'s Information
Your fiancé(e)'s name (first/middle/last): *
Your fiancé(e)'s preferred name for ceremony:
Your fiancé(e)'s address: *
Your fiancé(e)'s preferred phone number (please indicate home, office, cell): *
Your fiancé(e)'s alternate phone numbers (please indicate home, office, cell):
Your fiancé(e)'s email address:
Your fiancé(e)'s age on wedding day: *
Your fiancé(e)'s date of birth: *
Is your fiancé(e) widowed?: *
Is your fiancé(e) divorced?: *
If divorced, date of final divorce decree:
Is your fiancé(e) a Cathedral member?: *
If not a Cathedral member, where is your fiancé(e) a member?:
Your fiancé(e)'s mother's name (first/middle/last): *
Your fiancé(e)'s mother's hometown (childhood or current): *
Your fiancé(e)'s father's name (first/middle/last): *
Your fiancé(e)'s father's hometown (childhood or current): *
Outside Vendors
Photographer phone number:
Photographer email address:
Videographer phone number:
Videographer email address:
I would like to learn more about videography services offered by the Cathedral. : *
Florist phone number:
Florist email address:
Wedding consultant:
Wedding consultant phone number:
Wedding consultant email address:
Premarital Counseling
Premarital counseling completed?: *
Premarital workshop completed?: *
Remarriage petition needed?: *
If remarriage petition needed, date filed::
If remarriage petition needed, date approved by bishop::
Service Information
Two to four lessons from Scripture are usually read. Your priest can help you decide among the following suggestions. If your service includes the Eucharist, a reading from the Gospels must be one of your selections. :
Old Testament Readings (read by someone of the couple's choosing):
Psalm (led by priest or someone of the couple's choosing):
New Testament Readings (read by someone of the couple's choosing):
Gospel (read by priest):
Program viewed and approved by officiant and Cathedral worship coordinator?:
Other requests::
The Cathedral Flower Guild oversees the flower arrangements for all weddings. The Flower Guild designs and arranges the flowers for the Cathedral and Mikell Chapel. Please fill out the wedding flowers form at (linked at top of this form).:
Please fill out the wedding music form at (linked at top of this form).: