The Cathedral of St. Philip - Atlanta, GA

Cathedral Outdoor Services of Koinonia!

An article from the Cathedral Times 
by Dean Sam Candler


I hope you heard my Parish Notices during last Sunday’s online services! They went something like this:

Thank you, as always, for being patient with us, and with each other, as we have endeavored to be a presence of grace and non-judgment, in these stressful times.

Hey! Our safety and care are bearing fruit! I am thrilled to report that recent protocols are allowing us, at the Cathedral, to gather for in-person worship! As long as we are outside and as long as we limit each gathering to 50 people only. We are going to try it! Next Sunday, September 20! More details will be available online, this coming week. But for now, these will be the restrictions for those who gather:

  1. Gatherings will be limited to fifty people; and we will have to use a sign-up, registration, system to maintain that limit (and to provide possible contact tracing).
  1. However, we are hoping to have several service times available: 7:45, 8:45, and 11:15, all on the same day. If one gathering has reached its limit, you can gather at another time.
  1. The 8:45 and 11:15 outdoor services will gather on the Labyrinth, at the Lanier House, with plenty of social distance. The 7:45 service will be in the Cloister Garden, at the Horseshoe Drive, on the other side of the Cathedral.
  1. Masks will be required.
  1. We cannot offer communion yet.
  1. We cannot sing yet.

Those can seem like severe restrictions! Our services will not be Eucharist, or even full Morning Prayer. But, the clergy of the Cathedral hope that we can still lead gatherings of koinonia, spiritual community, with prayer and word—and especially—community. We want to see you! And we know that so many of you want to see each other, too! Please be patient with each other, as we try to make this work. We will have to sign up for these gatherings on the Cathedral website and by telephone! Finally, our online services at 8:45, 10:30 Hispanic, and 11:15 will continue to be available online, for anyone who does not want to gather in person yet; that is fine!

I was thrilled to make that announcement! We are calling these services “Cathedral Outdoor Services of Koinonia.” Parishioners may register for these services using the links on the Cathedral website or the Cathedral app, or by calling this telephone number: 404-365-1009.

Here is an important point: Registration for these services will be available, starting this Wednesday (September 16), at 10:00 a.m!

The simplest way to register is using these links for the 7:45, 8:45, and 11:15 services, respectively.

For those who cannot register online, you can call 404-365-1009 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, provided space is available.

If the service you prefer is full, please register for another time. If all are full, please use the Waiting List; and we may quickly try to arrange another service, too!

This is going to be complicated; but this is going to be FUN! Not all clergy and staff can be at each service (we don’t want to use up the available slots!), but each of us is excited to see you again, in due time. 

May God bless you! And may God bless our Cathedral Outdoor Services of Koinonia!


The Very Reverend Sam Candler
Dean of the Cathedral of St. Philip